Who have we helped so far? : Parents, Future Parents and even NON-Parents ☺

We provide parents and future parents with teachings and tools that will help foster a strong connection with your children, secure a steady base so they grow and develop as strong, resilient, free-spirited and true-to-themselves inner beings. We strongly believe that this is the way to true fulfillment and inner bliss.
We believe that even if you are a non-parent, the teachings of establishing a deeper connection with yourself, will be life-changing for you. After all we have all been children of a parent. You’ll see ☺
You will be amazed by the profound impact these teachings will have on your life.
Here are some examples of how your life will change, when you apply the teachings: you will feel good in your skin no matter what, you will feel invincible, strong and whole. You actions will be aligned with your true self
We are beyond excited to see you finally meet your true self!
We cannot wait to welcome you on this path!
If you feel like you are juggling all the time between work, social life, children, etc. and have the feeling that you are stretched and half way in all of these areas
If you feel like you are often losing it and out of control with your child and often feel guilty about it
If you are about to become a parent and do not know how to prepare and where to start
If you find yourself running from one thing to the next and having no time to truly live and enjoy life…
If you feel like there is something missing in your life…
Conscious on the go is for you! Welcome to a journey to a new you!